To enroll your dependents in university coverage, you must provide the following information during the enrollment process:
Dependent's name, date of birth, gender and social security number
Documentation of dependent eligibility:
Spouse: Government-issued marriage license signed by the county clerk, state registrar or other assigned government official.
Biological child (to age 26): Government-issued birth certificate identifying you as the parent.
Step-child: Government-issued birth certificate identifying your spouse as a parent AND a government issued marriage license showing you married your spouse.
Adopted child: Court document showing adoption placement, petition for adoption or final adoption certificate (must include date of birth).
Legal ward/guardian child/foster child under age 18: Court or agency documentation AND a government-issued birth certificate.
Medical Child Support Order: Court documents ordering you to provide insurance for your biological child.
Adult disabled child: Government-issued birth certificate identifying you as a parent, AND medical certification of the child’s disability before age 26. If covering a step-child, a government-issued marriage license is also required. Note: Adult disabled children must be enrolled in university coverage prior to their 26th birthday to be eligible for coverage.
Documentation must be legible copies, not originals, that are signed by the appropriate representative of the issuing governmental entity and carry the seal of the office. Hospital-issued birth records are only acceptable when the newborn is 31 days old or younger.