Any 12-month exempt positions will receive 22.5 days of annual leave, earned at a rate of 15 hours per month of service, with accrual at the end of the each month.
Part-time employees earn leave in proportion to the time worked.
Refer to Board Policy 420.1 and 420.2 for additional information.
Non-Exempt Employees
Employees who work 1,000 hours or more per year in a regular salary position accrue annual leave at the end of each month. Full-time eligible employees accrue annual leave in accordance with the following schedule. Employees who work less than full time but more than 1,000 hours per year accrue annual leave in the same proportion to the time worked.
Years of Employment
Annual Leave
Earned Each Month
Earned Each Calendar Year
Up to 3 years
8 hours
12 days
3 – 5 years*
10 hours
15 days
5 – 12 years*
12 hours
18 days
12 – 20 years*
14 hours
21 days
More than 20 years
15 hours
22.5 days
* Example: Annual leave is accrued at the end of the month. So, if you reach your 3-year anniversary in March, you will receive 8 hours of annual leave for the month of March. Starting in April, you will earn 10 hours of annual leave per month.
Refer to Board Policy 420.1 and 420.2 for additional information.