Both plans are administered by EyeMed and pay benefits for eye examinations, prescription eyewear and contact lenses.
Did you know?
All of your body’s veins and arteries end in your eye. That’s why your eye exam is key in detecting early chronic and systemic diseases like diabetes and hypertension.
Find a Provider
To find a provider, go to the EyeMed website. You can search by location or doctor name.
For assistance on the go, download the EyeMed Members App. For assistance with LASIK, call 800.988.4221.
Don’t Forget to Use a Plus Provider
You will have the option to use a Plus Provider. These are special in-network providers who offer extra perks, including a free vision example and an additional $50 frame allowance!
Why get an eye exam?
Taking care of your eyes doesn’t just mean having clear vision. Your eye care provider identifies both vision correction needs and emerging health issues during your annual eye exam.